Transforming a Hair Salon into a High-Net-Worth Priority Banking Branch: Cat A & Cat B Fitout

Cat A Fitout:
Our Cat A fitout lays the groundwork for an exceptional space providing the essential electrical and mechanical services that secure an efficient and comfortable environment. Having fully cleared the space back to an empty shell we were able to install the new M&E infrastructure with the utmost precision and excellence to facilitate a seamless Cat A – Cat B transition.

Cat B Fitout:
The heart of our project lies in the Cat B fitout, where we've invested countless hours in customising the space to meet our clients' needs and preferences. The client’s architects have gone above and beyond to design a sophisticate, yet relaxing environment. The attention to detail is unparalleled, with carefully selected finishes, furnishings, captivating features and delightful touches that add a touch of luxury to the overall experience.
At the core of this transformation is our unwavering commitment to provide the highest level of service and care to our clients. We understand the significance of creating an inviting and personalised space, where our client is able to offer their customer’s a priority service.  


BBFC - Soho Square